
The Dark Side of Aesthetics: Hyperpigmentation, Chemical Peels and Complications

To be a skincare expert in today’s changing landscape, you must understand Global skins. Because many skin therapists do not seek training to learn the variables of product usage on diverse skin tones, they do more harm than good to their clients. From time to time, I surf the web for ongoing skin care challenges; many of which are frequently seen on Instagram and Tik Tok. On one such occasion I saw photos of Symone, a beautiful woman of African descent. She was a skin therapist’s client, who had suffered from 2nd degree burns and an acquired fungus infection of her face due to an improper peel treatment. I was troubled by the amount of damage to Symone’s skin, and I felt compelled to write The Dark Side of Aesthetics: Hyperpigmentation, Chemical Peels, and Complications.




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